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Madrichim (teaching assistants) are an essential part of Temple Beth El Religious School. In addition to helping in the classrooms and the office, madrichim serve as important role models for our students. In order to serve as a madrich/madricha, please complete the form below.
TBERS Madrichim Requirements: Attendance: Our faculty and students count on Madrichim. Madrichim must commit to consistent attendance and communicate absences with their teacher. Involvement in Jewish Life: 9th and 10th graders must enroll and attend Hebrew High for at least one trimester during the year. 11th and 12th graders may either enroll in Hebrew High or actively participate in a Jewish youth group. Compensation: High School students are paid for serving as Madrichim. If you did not volunteer as an 8th grader, you will be asked to volunteer for the first semester. Pay Scale: 1st year serving - $8.50 an hour. 2nd year - $9 an hour. 3rd year - $9.50 an hour. 4th year or more - $10 an hour. Orientation: A required madrichim orientation will take place on Sunday, August 27 from 9am-11am. Religious School will begin Sunday, September 10. Questions can be directed to Kym Kaplan (kkaplan@templebethel.org)
Religious School Madrichim Options: Sunday morning is the primary day for madrichim to work. There are limited opportunities for helping with Hebrew groups in-person and online, on Sunday afternoons, and weekday afternoons.
Classroom Madrichim: The majority of madrichim work with one specific grade and class. Please indicate a first and second choice for the grade you believe is the best match for your personality and skills. We cannot guarantee you will be assigned to one of these choices, as we need to cover all of the classes.
Other Madrichim Opportunities: In addition to the classrooms, we also need madrichim to help in other areas. Please read the descriptions and check any areas that interest you.
Tue, January 28 2025 28 Tevet 5785