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Find My New TriBE

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To learn more about Temple Beth El TriBEs, click here


Click here to read through the TriBE descriptions. Please note: some of these TriBEs are not open at this time.

I have found my TriBE
All of the TriBEs will appear alphabetically in each of the three dropdown menus below. Please be sure that your request in order of preference is visible in each dropdown menu before submitting your form. Please note: the TriBEs on the dropdown below are the only TriBEs open at this time.

We hope we can accommodate your first choice. Please know there are many moving pieces and we may need to match you with your second or third choice; the experience transcends the theme of the TriBE. Please note that priority is given to those not yet in a TriBE.

Please be sure that you have prioritizized your choices above. If you are interested in joining a specific TriBE, but the group needs to split because of the number of people, would you be willing you be a leader for a second TriBE?

I could not find a TriBE that speaks to me. Please help me find my TriBE. 
I'm looking for a TriBE focused on (e.g. 28105, Shabbat Dinners, Retired, Arts, Social Justice, etc.)

Please indicate whether or not you would be interested in serving as a TriBE leader. If you respond "yes", we will add you to our Prospective TriBE leader list and will invite you to a future TriBE leader training session.

Please note that priority is given to those not yet in a TriBE. If you want to be in more than two TriBEs, you must be a leader or co-leader of one TriBE before being placed in a third TriBE.

Mon, March 10 2025 10 Adar 5785