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Hebrew High Registration 2024-2025

Welcome to Hebrew High's online registration form!  We are excited for the 2024-2025 school year!  Hebrew High’s primary program meets on Wednesday Nights from 7:00-8:30pm. It begins with a communal dinner at 7:00pm and continues with a one-hour class from 7:30pm-8:30pm. The year is divided into three trimesters and teens can choose from a variety of classes each trimester. Classes are taught by our wonderful Hebrew High faculty as well as by all the clergy from both Temple Beth El and Temple Israel. Teens can sign up for the whole year or for individual trimesters. We hope that this change will allow teens who have seasonal commitments to join us for part of the year.  

Hebrew for Credit continues on Wednesday Nights from 5:00-7:00pm. This program allows all students to take Modern Hebrew and have it count towards the Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools or Union County Public School language requirement. All students are welcome to register, even if they do not attend a CMS/UCPS school.

Hebrew High is partnering again with the nationally renowned organization, Moving Traditions, to offer monthly Rosh Hodesh (girls) and Shevet (boys) groups for 8th and 9th graders on Sunday evenings from 5:00-7:00pm. These groups use Jewish teachings and a gender lens to explore issues teens care about such as friendship, body image, pressure, and relationships. These groups are led by Hebrew High faculty who are trained by the staff at Moving Traditions. (Hebrew High can also help teens connect with an online Tzelem group for trans, non-binary or gender questioning teens.)

Below are the different payment options for the 2024-2025 school year:

Temple Beth El and Temple Israel Members:
Hebrew for Credit: $300
Full Year: $650
One Trimester + 5 Special Program Days: $300
Two Trimesters + 5 Special Program Days: $550
Moving Traditions Program: $200

Unaffiliated Members:
Hebrew for Credit: $300
Full Year: $750
One Trimester + 5 Special Program Days: $325
Two Trimesters + 5 Special Program Days: $600
Moving Traditions Program: $250

Hebrew for Credit ONLY - $650 (this does include our weekly dinner)
Chaverim of Hebrew High (Friends of Hebrew High): $36

Once you complete the entire registration form, you will be directed to a secure payment page. A receipt will be generated after completion of payment information.

Once the registration form is received, please allow 1-2 business days before you receive a class sign up form. Classes will be available later this summer. 

Withdrawals prior to September 18, 2024 will receive a refund minus a $50 administrative fee. No refunds can be given after September 18, 2024. 

Please note, while Hebrew High is a joint venture of Temple Israel and Temple Beth El, Hebrew High’s registration is handled by Temple Beth El’s accounting office. The registration link will take you to Temple Beth El’s Shulcloud Website.

If you have any questions, please contact Megan Harkavy, Director - 5007 Providence Road, Suite 108, Charlotte, NC 28226 / 980-483-7162; mharkavy@hebrewhigh.org / www.hebrewhigh.org / www.facebook/NCHebrewHigh / @hebrewhighNC (Instagram)

Student Information:

Student Name:
First Name
Last Name
Student Address:
Street Address
Address Line 2
Zip Code
Student Cell Phone:
Student Cell Phone Number (Please provide us with your TEEN's cell, not your phone number.)
Student Email:
Student Temple Affiliation:
Student Date of Birth:
Student's School:
Student's Grade in school for 2024-2025:
Student's Grade in Hebrew High for 2024-2025:

Parent/Guardian Information:

Parent/Guardian Name 1:
Parent/Guardian Name 2:
Parent/Guardian Address if different from student:
Street Address
Address Line 2
Parent/Guardian 1 Cell Phone:
Parent/Guardian 2 Cell Phone:
Parent/Guardian 1 Email:
Parent/Guardian 2 Email:
Emergency Contact Information: 
In case you can't be reached, please list someone we can contact. 
Phone Number
Insurance Information:
Please complete
Permission for Emergency Medical Treatment:
In a medical emergency, if I/we cannot be reached, I/we hereby give permission to the physician selected by the Hebrew High agent to hospitalize and secure proper treatment for my child(ren) as named herein.  E-signature is acceptable for my/our signature.
Parent/Guardian 1 Signature:
Parent/Guardian 2 Signature:
Parent/Guardian 1 Signature
Parent/Guardian 2 Signature

Payment Information:

Hebrew High Sign-Up Options and Payment Information:

Once you make your selections, you will be directed to the page to process your credit card. You will receive a receipt for your records. 

Students/families need to select from the Hebrew High sign-up choices below.  If you are not affiliated with Temple Beth El or Temple Israel, check the "unaffiliated" box.  The additional unaffiliated fee will be automatically added to your total.

I want to sign up for the entire year!

Options for Full Year of Hebrew High:
$650 for affiliated
$750 for unaffiliated

If paying in 2 payments by credit card, your first payment will be charged now.  Your credit card will be automatically charged one additional month (October) to complete your payments.
If paying in 6 payments by credit card, your first payment will be charged now.  Your credit card will be automatically charged once a month for the next 5 months (October-February) to complete your payments.

For unaffiliated families - you MUST check your payment plan (pay in full, 2 payments, or 6 payments) AND your unaffiliated fee of $100.

I want to sign up for ONE trimester!

Options for One trimester and 5 Special Program days:
$300 affiliated
$325 for unaffiliated
Please only answer this question if you are signing up for one trimester. Otherwise you can leave it blank.

I want to sign up for TWO trimesters!

Options for Two Trimesters and 5 Special Program days:
$550 affiliated
$600 for unaffiliated
Please only answer this question if you are signing up for two trimesters.  Otherwise you can leave it blank.

I am interested in signing up for Hebrew for Credit

Options for Hebrew for Credit
$300 affiliated
$300 for unaffiliated
$650 for Hebrew for Credit Only

I am interested in signing up for the Moving Traditions Program (Sunday evening monthly program)

Options for Moving Traditions Program:
$200 affiliated
$250 for unaffiliated
Wed, February 12 2025 14 Sh'vat 5785