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My Temple Commitment Review Form 2023-2024

Temple Beth El Commitment Review Form 2023-2024
Membership at Temple Beth El is about supporting our warm and embracing environment which provides spiritual and meaningful life cycle experiences for a diverse population. The Temple is committed to keeping membership accessible to all. If you believe you cannot afford to pay the Base Commitment level, please fill out the form. It will be reviewed in a confidential manner by a small group of congregants. No one in the group will know your name.

Please note: Incomplete forms will not be reviewed, so please submit as much information as possible.
Estimated 2023-2024 Commitment

Please write N/A for fees that do not apply to your household.
(RS tuition per child is $725 for grades K-2/Sheva and $875 for grades 3-6)
(Hebrew High tuition is $650 for the entire year)
Total annual amount should include My Temple Commitment, Religious School tuition, Hebrew High, etc.)
Please review the following statements and sign if you are in agreement.

I/we understand that we will be asked to reapply annually for our adjusted Base Commitment level if granted.

I/we understand that any unpaid dues and fees from previous years must be paid, and that I/we must be current on our Base Commitment to participate in life cycle events (such as baby namings, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, weddings, funerals, etc.).

I/we understand that the members of the review group will not be given my/our names, addresses, or contact information, the Temple staff will keep my/our information confidential, and I/we will not disclose the details of our adjusted Base Commitment plan to others.

I/we affirm that the information in this application is correct, and I/we agree to notify TBE Staff in the event that any significant change occurs in the information I/we have provided.

I/we agree to stay current on my/our Base Commitment as adjusted, and I/we will be responsible for all prior balances with Temple Beth El.
Thank you for taking the time to fill out this form. Please contact Amy Fine, Membership and Engagement Manager, with any questions or concerns.
Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784