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Wildacres Retreat

Past Sessions
Monday, September 3, 2018 23 Elul 5778 - All Day - Wildacres
Sunday, September 2, 2018 22 Elul 5778 - All Day - Wildacres
Saturday, September 1, 2018 21 Elul 5778 - All Day - Wildacres
Friday, August 31, 2018 20 Elul 5778 - All Day - Wildacres

Temple Beth El's Annual Wildacres Retreat is a multi-generational congregation-wide weekend retreat. Adults, children, and families of all shapes and sizes are encouraged to join us for this annual retreat. 

Theme: Nora: Awe and Wonder in the World and in Ourselves
In Hebrew, the word nora, meaning “awe,” is rich and complex. The word nora, is also the root of the name of the High Holy Days, Yamim Nora’im- the Days of Awe. The setting of Wildacres creates these kinds of awe-filled experiences for Temple members: looking out over the Blue Ridge Mountains can inspire a sense of the divine. The annual retreat helps us to connect with and feel renewed by the beauty of the natural world. Together, we will explore with excitement and curiosity our own power and inner strength. Please join us as we unplug and open our eyes to the sacred around us as we reflect and discover awe in preparation for the High Holy Days. 

Adult Program 1:
“I Lift My Eyes Up to the Mountains”: Fear and Sources of Inspiration

Adult Program 2:
Inscribe Us for Blessing: Recognizing the Good Within
This program will include a brief S'lichot service

Adult Program 3:
Teshuva: Returning to Our Authentic Selves


Contact Info:  Wildacres Retreat, 1565 Wildacres Road, Little Switzerland, NC 28749, 828-756-4573

First Timers:  Are you a first time participant with questions about the retreat? For answers to these questions and many others, click here

Financial Assistance: Limited financial assistance is available for the Wildacres Retreat through the Temple Beth El Family Experience Endowment.  Call the temple ( 704-366-1948)  and a staff member will be able to assist you. All correspondence will be kept confidential. 

Logistical Information

Itinerary: An itinerary and welcome letter with specifics about arrival time, maps, etc. will be emailed to you on or about Friday, August 24, 2018, one week before the retreat. 

Directions:  TBE to Wildacres using I-277    /    TBE to Wildacres using I-485

Pricing: Early Bird Pricing is in effect until July 20, 2018.  Regular Pricing goes into effect July 21, 2018.

RSVP deadline: RSVP deadline and payment deadline is Friday, August 24, 2018.

Questions: Email Sue Hummel (shummel@templebethel.org ) or call Sue at 704-749-3054 with any questions you may have about the retreat, programming, lodging requests, etc. 

Wildacres website


We are delighted that you will be joining us at Wildacres! Please note that this registration form will collect your information for processing your registration. Unfortunately, it will NOT collect a $100 deposit. There will be step-by-step instructions to help you log in to ShulCloud, to submit your registration form, to pay in full today (if you so choose), and how to go back (after you have submitted your registration) to make your $100 deposit (or future payments on your Wildacres balance).

If you have any questions as you navigate this form or if would like to verify that your registration was received, please contact Sue Hummel (704-749-3054). I'd be happy to help!


Not sure if you are logged into ShulCloud? Scroll to the top of the page. In the right hand corner, does it still say ‘LOGIN’? If so, you are not logged in. If you are logged in, it will say "Welcome Your Name". Click here  for step by step instructions on how to login to ShulCloud.

Why do you need to login to ShulCloud?  Click here to read why! 

Need help? Email Sue Hummel or call Sue at 704-749-3054.

Registration Information

(If you are logged into ShulCloud, the following Name, Email Address, and Mobile Phone # fields will automatically populate with the information we have on file in the ShulCloud database. If nothing appears in the mobile phone # field, that means we did not have a mobile phone number for you in the database. Please add your mobile phone # or your landline phone number because this is a required field. )

Fields with a * are required.

Please indicate dietary needs (e.g. lactose intolerant, vegetarian, etc. )


Please indicate your room preference (e.g same room as last year if possible; North Lodge (no children building), handicapped room; room on first floor only; etc. )

Please indicate if you are celebrating a milestone occasion; planning to stay less than 3 nights, etc.)

   Adults -Double Occupancy - TBE Member ($230.00)
   Adults - Single Occupancy - TBE Member ($290.00)
   Teens (Ages 13-18) - TBE Member ($230.00)
   Children (Ages 6-12) - TBE Member ($125.00)
   Children (Ages 3-5) - TBE Member ($85.00)
   Children (Ages 2 and Under) - TBE Member (FREE)
   Adults -Double Occupancy - Non-TBE Member ($280.00)
   Adults - Single Occupancy - Non-TBE Member ($340.00)
   Teens (Ages 13-18) - Non-TBE Member ($280.00)
   Children (Ages 6-12) - Non-TBE Member ($175.00)
   Children (Ages 3-5) - Non-TBE Member ($135.00)
   Children (Ages 2 and Under) - Non-TBE Member (FREE)

  1. The following section will not collect any fees unless you are paying in full.
  2. Please read through all of the options below. There will be clickable links in each listed option that will guide you on how to submit, how to log in to ShulCloud, and how to go back in and make a deposit payment, a full payment, or payments throughout the next few months to pay off your balance.
  3. Consider making a donation to defray the cost for another participant.
  4. The Total Wildacres Fees for you (and your family) will automatically calculate.
  5. Hit Submit to place your Total Wildacres Fees in your account. 
  6. Logged into ShulCloud? Go back in and make your $100 payment or your payment in full.

OPTION 1: I am going to complete this registration form, and then make a payment in ShulCloud. Note:  A $100 deposit is not required if fees are paid in full today.

  • SET UP THE CHARGE IN YOUR ACCOUNT>>If you've logged in to ShulCloud, but just need help completing this registration form, click here for detailed instructions.                     
  • MAKING THE PAYMENT>>After you have completed this registration form and hit the Submit button, the total amount of your fees will be posted in your account at Temple Beth El.  Be sure that you logged in to ShulCloud, so you can make your full payment of your Wildacres fees. If you need instructions on how to log in to ShulCloud and make that payment after you have completed this registration form, click here.

NOTE: Hitting the Submit button posts your Total Wildacres Fees in your Temple Beth El account. You still need to make your payment in full.

OPTION 2: I would like to pay the $100 deposit only today.

  • SET UP THE CHARGE IN YOUR ACCOUNT>>Complete the registration form which will place the full amount of your Wildacres fees into your Temple Beth El account. Choose BILL TO ACCOUNT when you hit the SUBMIT key. (Click here if you need assistance in submitting the form.)
  • MAKING THE $100 DEPOSIT PAYMENT>>Upon completion of this registration form, make a $100 deposit payment to secure your room at Wildacres! Please click here for detailed instructions on how to login to ShulCloud if you have not yet done so in order to make that $100 payment. 

NOTE: Hitting the Submit button posts your Total Wildacres Fees in your Temple Beth El account. You still need to make a $100 deposit payment now toward your Total Wildacres Fees. 

OPTION 3: I would like to set up an installment plan.

  • SETTING UP THE CHARGE IN YOUR ACCOUNT>>Complete the registration form which will place the full amount of your Wildacres fees in your Temple Beth El account. Choose BILL TO ACCOUNT. (Click here if you need assistance with completing the form.)  
  • MAKING THE $100 DEPOSIT>>Pay your $100 deposit to secure your room. (Click here for instructions on how to log in to ShulCloud and make that payment.)
  • MAKING A PAYMENT PLAN>>Please call the temple at 704-366-1948 to discuss a payment plan that works for you for the balance of your Wildacres fees. 

NOTE: Hitting the Submit button posts your Total Wildacres Fees in your Temple Beth El account. You still need to make a $100 deposit payment now toward your balance and then call the temple regarding the payment plan.

If you would like to help defray the cost of the Wildacres Retreat for another attendee, please enter an amount in the field above. Any amount, (e.g. 180), would be greatly appreciated! Thank you so much for your generosity!

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Sun, February 2 2025 4 Sh'vat 5785