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In Our Hamantaschen Era: A Religious School Parent Brunch

Sunday, March 24, 2024 14 Adar II 5784

10:00 AM - 11:00 AMTemple Beth El

Parents of Religious School-aged kids are invited to a pre-party brunch before the Taylor Swift themed Purim Shpiel. While the Religious School staff runs a craft hour for the kids, come hang out with the grown-ups over brunch.  Make sure to dress in your "Swiftie" best, as there will be prizes for the best Taylor costume. 

Please note: This event is for adults only. There will be alcohol served.

Register by Thursday, March 21. 


This form closed on 2024-03-22 09:00:00.
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Sat, January 25 2025 25 Tevet 5785